This is where you will find what I call the “in-class lessons”. We will go through most of this in class together, although there are extra words and sometimes links to other resources that you can read or watch on your own outside of class. The most important parts are the “Your Turn” sections where you can try out new code and concepts on your own and with the students around you.

When you click on the link, you will notice a button in the top right corner that says “Code”. If you click on that, you can download the corresponding .Rmd file. The .Rmd file is the “code” file that produces the .html file you see on the screen. You will want to download the .Rmd files, and make sure to save them to the folder you created for this class. Also know that I will be updating the material throughout the semester, so I would recommend waiting to download the files until the day we use them.

Links to each lesson can be found below: